Showing posts with label AFRICA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AFRICA. Show all posts

Friday, 1 July 2016

turkish wedding

  A perfect recipe for big, fat turkish wedding. Ingredients: the couple in love, abounded amount of friends and relatives, loose bodies and rampant on the Middle East known melodies, emotion and future projects, an alternating white...

Thursday, 30 June 2016

How is the wedding ceremony in Morocco

In Morocco, the wedding celebration includes several well-organized ceremonies, which last from three days to a week, depending on the family and the region. These festivals are always the perfect opportunity to combine the Moroccan...

Culture et traditions en Algérie

The first night of the new year (ennayr), each family participates in Kabyle Talkimt n djiwnegh (literally dumpling “I’m not hungry anymore”). You eat “the seven vegetables” with couscous (including artichokes, wild asparagus, watercress,...

culture of Moroccan tradition

Population 34,859,364 inhabitants (2010). Official language The official language is Arabic. Language spoken In addition to Arabic, French is widely spoken. Berber, dominant in the mountains, is quite present in the cities. People It...

Christmas in Tuscany: family traditions stories
